Top 10 Australian mobile phone statistics for 2012
It is clear Australians love mobile and our reliance on mobile devices is so great
that by 2015 smartphone internet usage is tipped to surpass desktop usage. Here
are some more recent mobile phone statistics for Australia that I have been pulled
from a number of different sources.
1. Australia is placed second for highest smartphone usage
Australia has the second highest smartphone usage by population density, second
only to Singapore – (Our mobile planet: Australia)
2. Internet users continue to migrate to a mobile only environment
The Australian MNOs (Optus, Telstra, and Vodafone) are likely to have more than
29 million mobile subscribers by late 2012 as more users continue to migrate to
a mobile only environment. Telstra continues to be the market leader with more than
13 million subscribers. (BuddeComm).
3. Mobile advertising is growing rapidly
Mobile advertising in Australia will grow from $9.1 million in 2010 to reach $76m
by 2015 – that’s a massive growth at 46% a year (Frost & Sullivan).
4. Mobile usage by children, on the rise
In April 2012, 818,500 children aged 5 to 14 years (295) had a mobile phone (ABS).
5. Smartphone usage is becoming the latest trend
68% of 15-65-year-olds now have smartphones, with penetration among the whole population
at 41%. This will increase to 65% by 2017 (Frost & Sullivan).
6. The revenue generated by smartphones has hit $15 billion
Smartphones has generated a $15 billion in revenues in Australia, while carriers
and phone makers soaking up most of the $15bn application developers, accessory
suppliers and mobile advertising are also billion dollar industries. (Telsyte).
7. Many access the internet through mobile at least once a day
88% of Australian smartphone users access the Internet on their mobile phone at
least once a day (Google Mobile Planet).
8. Using mobile internet continues to grow
Time spent accessing mobile internet continues its upward trend: 4.2 hours per week,
up 20% from 3.5 hours in 2010 (Nielsen, Australian Online Consumer Report).
9. Internet users have started to seek for information through mobile
32% more information was downloaded via mobile phones between April and June of
2012 than for the final three months of 2011 (Australian Bureau of Statistics).
10. Smarthpones are used to analyse products and services
40% of smartphone users have used their mobile phone to compare prices online and
to look at product and service reviews before making a purchase decision (AIMIA).
Mobile phone/fixed-line telephone adoption, Australia, June 2007 to June 2012

Base=Total population 14 years and over.
Source: Roy Morgan Single Source.
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